Skills Matrix Overview

Create your own skills matrix in MyPass to map the skill and compliance requirements for all the roles on a project. Compare the project needs against your workers, their certifications, location and availability.

 You can also use skills matrices to assign compliance positions to personnel. When you assign a compliance position to a worker, they’ll be allocated any inductions they need to complete. It’s easy to check their progress since you can see at a glance what percentage of the qualifications are completed.

Prerequisites: you’ve created resource pools, worker passports, and assets in MyPass. Outside of MyPass, you have a spreadsheet or other record of your project’s roles and their requirements.

You can share skills matrices with your affiliates to assign compliance positions to your shared personnel, or to assign requirements to resource requests.

There are two categories of requirements: recruitment and compliance

  • Recruitment requirements are used to find workers in the first stage, Matches. This is the broadest category to help find any/all candidates for sourcing or pre-mobilisation.
  • Compliance requirements are the more stringent requirements an individual must meet in order to be compliant for the role and deployable to a project.

When you assign a skills matrix to a resource pool, you can match the skills matrix requirements to the workers in that pool.

First Steps

To begin, create a list of the roles or positions and the requirements for each position. As you list the positions and requirements, consider whether they are needed for recruitment, compliance, or both. Each requirement can be set as Mandatory, Desired, or Not Required.

For example, site inductions could be set as Desired or Not Required as a recruitment requirement, but set as Mandatory as a compliance requirement.

Create a Skills Matrix in MyPass

Once you have this information, you’ll enter it into MyPass.

  1. Add a position.
  2. For each position, add requirement(s). 
    • (Requirements can be a single certificate or a bundle of multiple certificates called a Certificate Group.) 
  3. Mark each requirement as mandatory, desired, or not required for recruitment and compliance. 

See Create a Skills Matrix for the full walkthrough of the steps.

See Dashboard Overview - Projects View to get a better idea of how you’ll use the data in your skills matrix.


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