Managing user access is crucial for maintaining security and ensuring appropriate and relevant access are provided. Understanding how to configure user permissions effectively will help you manage access controls with precision.
There are five areas of permissions you can set under User Groups:
- Admin
- Resource Pools
- Skills Matrices
- Assets
- Tags
Admin permissions
Administrator permissions let you give an admin user or group access to different objects. Under the Admin section, these permissions act as a “master switch”: when they are enabled, they provide full access to all instances of that object.
Resource Pools, Skills Matrices, and Assets permissions
These permissions let you provide access to specific instances of a resource pool, skills matrices, or assets. Allow access to the whole entity, or click the arrow to provide access more granularly.
Note: When you provide this object-specific access, you should NOT have that object selected under Administrator permissions. The administrator permission access will override the specific group selection.
Tag permissions
For each tag, you can let a user group have view-only or edit access to the tag.
Add a New User Group
1. Go to Settings > User Management > User Groups.
2. Under All User Groups > Click Admin.
3. Click Add User Group.
4. Enter a name for the new user group.
5. Select the boxes to enable the desired user permission(s).
6. Click Add.
7. Click on Administrator Permissions to view the permissions.
Select the boxes of the permissions to include them in the user group.
Set Permissions for Resource Pools
Use permissions to provide access to specific resource pools. Select the checkbox next to the resource pool name to let users do all tasks related to that resource pool. Click the arrow next to the resource pool to provide access to only certain tasks within the pool.
1. Click Resource Pools.
2. Click the resource pool name to show the list of options.
3. Select the box for the desired permissions for this particular Resource Pool.
Set Permissions for Skills Matrices
Use permissions to provide access to specific skills matrices. Select the checkbox next to the skills matrix name to let users do all tasks related to that matrix Click the arrow next to the skills matrix to provide View only, or Administer (edit and share) access.
1. Click Skills Matrices.
2. Click the skills matrix name, to see the list of options.
3. Select the box for the desired permissions for this particular Skills Matrix.
Set Permissions for Assets
Use permissions to provide access to specific assets. Select the checkbox next to the asset name to let users do all tasks related to that asset. Click the arrow next to the asset to provide access to only certain tasks for that asset.
1. Click on Assets.
2. Click on the asset name to see the list of options.
3. Tick the box for the desired permissions for this particular Asset.
Set Permissions for Tags
For each tag, you can let a user group have view or edit access to the tag.
1. Click Tags.
2. Click the tag name to see the list of options.
3. Select the box for the desired permissions for this particular Tag.
Assign a user to the User Group created.
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