Assign a Compliance Position

Use a compliance position to monitor a personnel’s compliance to a role requirements set in the skills matrix.  This information is for internal competency management, personnel have no visibility of their compliance percentage in their own Skills Passport.

For more information about compliance positions, see Compliance Position Overview.

To Individually Assign a Compliance Position:

1. From the left navigation panel, click Personnel.  Then, click the All My Personnel dropdown and select the appropriate Resource pool (e.g. Project A). 

2.  Click on the ellipsis icon...” for the personnel you like to assign the compliance. Then, select Assign Compliance Positions.

3. Select the appropriate Skills Matrix (if there is more than one). Then, click on the position you like to assign (e.g. Boilermaker).  Click Next to continue.

Note: You can ADD or REMOVE assigned positions to your personnel, simply tick or untick the position.

4.  To notify the impacted personnel, click the ‘Notify’ button. Alternatively, you can click ‘Don’t Notify’.  For more information, please refer to Compliance Position Notification.

5.  You can check the status of the position assignment by clicking on the personnel’s name.  Then, scroll down on the personnel profile view.  You can also assign a position by clicking on Assign.  Then, follow steps 3 to 4 outlined above.

6. You can check the level of compliance for each position is reflected in the percentage. Click on the % to open a detailed list of the required certificates, and the current status of each one. 

Green tick: certificate is uploaded and verified.

 Red tick: certificate is uploaded and verified, but the validity period set in the matrix has lapsed. It can also indicate a certificate that has expired. 

  Orange tick: certificate is uploaded and verified, but will expire soon

  Red x: certificate is not uploaded, is not verified, has expired, or has been rejected.


To Assign a Compliance Position to Multiple Personnel:

1. Select the workers you want to assign the position. Then, click More.  Select Assign Compliance Positions.  Follow the steps 3 to 4 outlined above.


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