Inviting Personnel to a Project Role

When you create a Project Role or receive a Resource Request from your owner client, the Project will automatically display potential matches from your personnel pool. You can then invite personnel to view  the Project Role.


From the Matches stage (or any other stage), select one or more personnel. Click the ellipsis (...) and choose Invite.


Once invited, personnel will move to the Invited stage, and an automated email will be sent to them.





Sample Job Invitation email the worker will receive. The email includes a 'View Job Details' link. 

Personnel can also access the role details from their Digital Skills Passport account.







Here your personnel can view the required certifications needed for the role and any other details you have shared.  



They can choose to apply or decline the invite.

Personnel can be invited individually or in bulk. For more information on bulk actions, go to Recruit and Confirm Workers for a Role: Bulk Actions .


Important Notes:

  • Personnel with a new MyPass profile must accept the MyPass invitation before you can invite them to a role. If they haven't accepted yet, triangle with an exclamation mark icon will appear. To learn more about inviting new personnel, go to Invite Personnel to a Resource Pool.
  • Personnel will automatically receive an email when invited to apply or offered the role.
  • Personnel can track their status by checking their calendar in their account.
  • You can reject personnel at any stage of the recruitment process.

If you don't have enough suitable candidates within your pipeline, you can request resources from your business partners. For more information on Sending Resource Request go to Create and Share a Resource Request

Once personnel apply, they will move to the Applied stage. For more information on managing applications, see the guide on Managing Applications in a Project Role.


If they decline the role they will have a Tag displaying Invite Declined and will remain in your Invited stage (bucket).



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