Invite Personnel to a Resource Pool

Getting personnel into MyPass is easy. You can invite personnel individually or send bulk invites to your team. MyPass helps you track the status of those invitations.

Before you begin:  Ensure that you have created the resource pool to which you want to allocate the personnel. Learn more about creating a resource pool.

Stage 1; 

1. Navigate to Invite Personnel on the left hand panel.

2. Before sending the invite, notify your team and personnel that you will be using MyPass and to expect an email inviting them to MyPass. We've drafted an email to help you do this here

3. MyPass allows you to invite your team and personnel in batches.  Naming the invitation batch is free text. If an invitation batch already exists, you can proceed to inviting the personnel by clicking on one of the existing invites. Otherwise, create a new batch invitation by clicking on the + icon.

4. Input the name of the invitation batch.

5. Select the Resource Pool you want your personnel to sit in from the selection. Click Save.

6. Once in your invitation batch, you can begin inviting the personnel. There are two options to choose from:

  • Add personnel - this will add personnel one at a time.
  • Upload personnel - Bulk upload using the upload template provided.

7. If you are adding one personnel at a time, click on Add.

8. Enter the personnel’s personal email address and date of birth. Then, click Next.

Note: Always use a personal email address to set up a MyPass account in place of a business email, this helps to avoid duplication.

MyPass checks email addresses to see if there is already a Skills Passport in use. If yes, personnel are invited to join your MyPass instance using their existing MyPass account and profile.

9. If invited personnel are not signed up to MyPass you will be prompted to fill out more details. 

Tips: Make sure to enter the personnel name information as it appears on any of their identity documents (e.g. passport, driver’s licence, photo ID card). 

  1. First Name -Don’t use nicknames or preferred names at this stage.
  2. Middle Name - If there are multiple middle names, input all of them in this field. 
  3. Last Name - Enter their full last name.
  4. Preferred Name - Enter preferred names or nicknames here.

10. Once the required fields are filled out, click Next


Stage 2; 

1. You will be routed back to the invitation batch where you can view your Uploaded personnel.

Note: Personnel have been uploaded and now can be invited.

2. If you have added multiple personnel, select the All box next to the Invite button to send the invitation in bulk. Then, click Invite. You will be asked to confirm the selected personnel, click Ok to proceed.

Alternatively, click the ellipsis icon next to the personnel name and select Send Invitation to send the invite individually.

3. Include additional messaging when sending the invitation. Click Invite

4. The number of invites will show in the Invited tab.

5. To bulk upload personnel, go to the Uploaded tab and click Upload.

6. Click on the Download Template link.

  1. Open the invitation template that you have downloaded.
  2. Enter the details in the provided columns. The mobile number format should be +6100000000.
  3. Save the template.
  4. Upload the template into MyPass.

7. If the system detects that a profile exists but there are discrepancies in the emails, names, date of birth, or mobile number it will return with a red x or invalid record. 

Upload Status defined:

- the personnel already exists.

- the personnel is new to MyPass.

- invalid record, meaning a profile exists but there’s a discrepancy in the email, names, date of birth, or mobile number which need to be corrected so you can successfully invite these personnel.

8. Click on the personnel with the invalid record (x sign) to correct the details. Make sure to review all the fields and ensure all details are correct. Then, click Update.

9. Once corrected and all records are valid, click on Invite.

10. Include any additional messaging when sending the invitation. Click Invite.

11. The number of personnel to whom invitations are sent is shown in the Invited tab and in the Accepted those that have accepted the invitation.

Note: Any personnel you invite to a new pool that is already present in your other pools will directly route the invitations to Accepted.


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