Create and Manage Subcontractors

Subcontractor Management gives visibility over subcontract details and subcontractor relationships. It also lets you establish a relationship between a subcontract and a worker so you are able to identify workers as subcontractors. 

All subcontracts must include a purchase order or contract details. 

Create and manage Subcontracts in MyPass from Settings, under General. To identify a worker as a subcontractor, create a Subcontract column in the role tracking template and select the related subcontract.

Create a Subcontract

  1. Go to Settings > General > Subcontracts. 
  2. Add a new contract: Click + or Click to add a subcontract
  3. Complete the Add Subcontract fields
    • Subcontract number
    • Primary Supplier
    • Subcontract Supplier Name
    • Country
    • Contact Name
    • Contact Email Address
    • Contact Phone Number
    • Contract Start Date
    • Contract End Date
    • Reference (optional)
    • Add document
  1. Click Next
  2. Assign a Contract or a Purchase Order 
    • Type the name or number of a contract in the Search box. Contracts will start to display for you to select from.
    • Type the number of a purchase order in the Search box. POs will start to display for you to select from.

Note: you must enter either a contract or a purchase order to save the subcontract.

6. Click Save.


Note: Once a Subcontract has been created, you can change the start and end dates 


Edit a Subcontract

You can change the start and end dates of an unassigned subcontract only if the subcontract has not yet been assigned to a worker.

  1. From the list of subcontracts, find the subcontract to edit.
  2. Click the ellipsis.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Change the start or end date.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click Save

Delete a Subcontract

  1. From the list of subcontracts, find the subcontract to delete.
  2. Click the ellipsis.
  3. Click Delete.


See also:

Assign Subcontractor Management Permissions
Add a Subcontract Column to a Role Tracking Template


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