Add a Subcontract Column to a Role Tracking Template

After you create a subcontract, you can add it to a worker’s Role Tracking Template, using the Subcontract column. Adding the column and selecting the related subcontract, will identify the worker as a subcontractor and display the subcontract information in the RTT.  Subcontracts can be searched using the Contract number, PO number, or Subcontract number and assigned to a worker.


Add a Subcontract Column in a Role Tracking Template

  1. Go to Settings > General > Role Tracking Template
  2. Select an existing RTT or create a new one. 
  3. Select Click to add another column.
  4. In the Add Column window:
  • Add a name for the column (Tip: use the subcontract name).
  • Check the buckets where this column will display.
  • In the Value Type box, select Subcontract.
  • In the Edit Permissions box, choose who can update the column.
  1. Select Show in Role Details to display subcontract information in the personnel's profile and on their Skills Passport. 

Note: This can only be displayed for columns in the Offered / Proposed / Confirmed buckets. You can’t use it if you selected any of the other buckets.

  1. Select Require before confirmation to force this column to be updated before a worker can be confirmed. 
  2. Click Done


Search for a Subcontract

Within the role tracking template, you can search for a subcontract

  • By the contract selected in the Resource Request.
    (The Resource Request type must be “On contract”).
  • By the Purchase Order selected in the Resource Request.
  • The Subcontract number

Identify a Worker as a Subcontractor

  1. From the role (or resource request), click the Role Tracking Template icon.
  2. In the Role Tracking window, select the field in the Subcontract column. 
  3. Search for the subcontract using the subcontract number, contract number, or PO number.
  4. The field will update with the Subcontract information.
  5. Now the subcontract is connected to the worker in the role tracking template.


See also:

Assign Subcontractor Management Permissions
Create and Manage Subcontractors


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