Assign Subcontractor Management Permissions

Subcontractor Management lets you create subcontractor relationships and relate them to purchase orders and/or contracts, creating visibility of Subcontract details and related relationships on the platform.

When Subcontractor Management is enabled, admins can create and manage subcontract data within a designated section of MyPass. You can also create a relationship between a subcontract and a worker through the Subcontract column in the role tracking template.


Enable Subcontractor Management 

To ask MyPass to enable Subcontractor Management, talk to your Executive Account Manager or contact MyPass Support at


Assign Subcontractor Management Permissions

The administrator with User Management access can give other admins access to Subcontractor Management through the Contracts permission.


To assign the Contracts permission:

  • Go to Settings > User Management > User Groups > Admin
  • Next to Contracts, tick the box for the user groups you want to allow these permissions.


After admins are assigned the permission, they can assign and edit subcontractor information related to the PO or contract.


See also:


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