Verify Internal Certificates

For certificates that you have created and are specific to your business (Not nationally recognised certificates), the verification is done by your own team. These could include but not limited to VOCs, Inductions, in-house training.  


1. Login to your MyPass portal and click Verification.

  • The total number of pending verification(s) is highlighted in a red circle. (In this example we have 5 pending verifications).
  • By default, this displays all ‘Pending’ items.


2. You can choose to filter by:

  • Pending: Verifications that need to be completed.
  • Approved: Verified and approved certifications
  • Rejected: Certifications that have been reviewed but have not passed the verification process. 
  • Search for an item by typing the Personnel name, Certification, or Position.
  • You can also select All or Assigned to me to view the pending verifications.


3. Additional details about the pending certificate for verification:

  • Personnel's name (e.g. MyPass Den Sitty)
  • Certificate name (e.g. BE-CB-07 Bach: SA Permit to Work-Holder)
  • Upload status (e.g. Pending)
  • Assigned to (e.g. ‘Assign to me’)
  • Certificate upload date (e.g. 3 years ago)


4. By clicking on the ellipsis "..." you can:

  • Assign to a User: Assign the verification to a User.
  • Assign to yourself: Assign the verification to yourself.
  • Unassign: To unassign the verification item.
  • View the Personnel Profile: To view the personnel profile.


5. To start the verification process, click on the personnel's name (e.g.  MyPass Den Sitty) .


6.  Click on the magnifying glass icon to extract the text and pre-fill the fields.


7.  Manually type the necessary information that was not pre-filled.

Uploaded by: The person that uploaded the certificate.
Reference: The certificate, document, registration, or license number.
Issuer: This is the organisation that issued the certificate.
Issue Date: The issue or completion date of the training. Some tickets don't indicate the issue date, you may just skip this if not indicated on the attached certificate.

Expiry Date: The date when the certificate will expire.

You may just skip this if not indicated on the attached certificate.


8. To update the certificate (if necessary)

  • Click on the certificate name (i.e. (Australia) BE-CB-07 Beach: SA Permit to Work-Holder)
  • Select certification name/type.
    • Click ‘Save as New’ to save as a new certificate.
    • Click ‘Replace’ to replace the existing certificate.


9. Approve, Undo Approve, Save or Reject certificate.

Once you are satisfied with the information, click ‘Approve’ to verify the certificate. 

To reverse the approval status, click on Undo Approval. Then, click ‘Yes’.

To reject the certificate, click on ‘Reject’.

Note: You will need to provide a reason for the rejection. This will be visible on the certificate details when viewing the personnel profile certificate section.

Click ‘Notify’ - Notification email will be sent to the uploader.

Click ‘Don’t Notify’ - No notification sent to the uploader.

Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

To reverse the rejection, click ‘Undo Rejection’. Click ‘Yes’.

Step 1.

Step 2.


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