1. The first step is to open MyPass and click Projects.

2. Click the appropriate project, Project 101 to open.

3. Click Requests.

4. Click the role name to be reviewed and approved from the Resource Request such as Boilermaker.

5. Click Proposed bucket.

6. This is the name of the supplier who proposed the Personnel.

7. This is the engagement status and dates of the Personnel.
The default engagement dates are the start date and end date when the project was set up.

8. This is the requirement percentages of the proposed Personnel.
Recruitment is the Pre-Mobilisation requirement.
Compliance is the Post-Mobilisation requirement.
Mobilisation is the role tracking view details.

9. Click the percentage to review the requirements missing or complied by the Personnel.

10. Click the tracking view icon to toggle the role tracking template.

11. Click a tracking cell to input an information or details to the Personnel.
The details inputted here are reflected into the Personnel's mobilisation percentage.

12. Input the appropriate Value.

13. Click Save.

14. Click tracking view icon again to close the role tracking.

15. Click the ellipsis icon of the Personnel name to confirm.

16. Click Confirm.

17. Click Confirmed bucket to view the approved Personnel.

18. That's it. You've now confirmed proposed personnel from resource request.

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