Dashboard Overview - Resource Pool View

The Overview dashboard, Resource Pools view gives you an overview of the following:

  • Personnel Compliance data
  • Upcoming expirations and expired tickets
  • Total number of personnel per classifications and positions
  • Number of personnel in your resource pool

1. In the Overview dashboard, click Resource Pools

2. This dashboard provides an overview of the number of Personnel in each Resource Pool. 

3. Click a Resource Pool name to show its data. The other dashboards' data will modulate and show this Resource Pool's information. 

4. Click Compliance to show the compliance data of the Resource Pools and Skills Matrices. Compliance data is extracted from the requirements set in the Skills Matrices. 

5. This dashboard shows each of the Resource Pool's compliance percentage based on its assigned Skills Matrices. 

Resource Pools

Skills Matrices

6. This dashboard provides an overview of the demographic breakdown of your Personnel by Gender, Classification, and Positions from the Skills Matrices. 

7. Select the following filters: 

  • Compliant displays the list and counts of the verified certificates of Personnel. 
  • Expiring <30 displays the list and count of the certificates that are about to expire.
  • Expired displays the list and counts of certificates that have expired. 

Note: Your personnel will receive an automated email reminding them of expiring certificates. 

  • Missing displays the list and counts of missing requirements based on the Skills Matrices.
  • Sort set this dashboard view in either Alphabetical or Numerical order.
    Alphabetical sorts the results based on the certificate name.
    Numerical sorts results based on highest number to lowest. 

The dashboard on the right will modulate and display the Personnel names, Classification and Positions in alignment with what has been selected.

8. Apply additional filters: Suppliers, Classifications or Compliance.

  • Suppliers option shows the list of suppliers.
  • Classifications option shows the Personnel classifications added to the Personnel profiles.
  • Compliance option shows the compliance positions assigned to the Personnel profiles. 

9. To view the personnel details, click on the Personnel name to open the sidebar profile. Click X to close the Personnel's sidebar profile. 

10. Click the Download Cloud Icon to export the Personnel dashboard list. 


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