Create a Resource Pool

Resource Pools are a way of grouping your personnel.  You can create pools based on role classification, customers, projects, location. 

1. Navigate on the left panel of your portal and click on Resource Pools.

2. Click on the icon to add, then enter the Name and Description (optional) of the new Resource Pool.  Then, click Next.  

Note: Description is optional.  It can be a summary, purpose, or reference of the Resource Pool

3. Select the skills matrix assigned to this Resource Pool. You may select one or multiple skills matrices.  (Assigning a Skills Matrix enables you to assign a compliance position in the Personnel page).  Then, click Next.

4.  To modify the Resource Pool you created, click on the ellipsis icon “...

Edit - To change the Name and Description of the Resource Pool.

Assign Skills Matrices - To add or remove skills matrices you have assigned.

Delete - To delete the Resource Pool.   Note: You are not able to delete a Resource Pool that has been shared with you. 

Share - To share the resource pool to an affiliate client.  Click here on how to Share a Resource Pool with Affiliates


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