What is Profile Validation?

When a MyPass worker profile is validated, it is verified against an approved identity document, such as a national passport or driver licence. After our team of specialists have validated a profile, it displays a green tick. MyPass customers who use validated profiles are assured that their personnel data is accurate and clean.


When profile validation is required, only personnel with validated profiles can be proposed, offered, or confirmed for a role. When a role requires your personnel to have a validated profile, they will be notified via the Invite stage. Once a role offer has been opened, they will be prompted to get their profile validated.

To make use of this feature please contact support: support@mypassglobal.com to request Profile Validation as an option for your MyPass workforce.

Approved Identity Documents

The following identity documents can be uploaded to validate your personnel profile. 

  • Australian Passport
  • Overseas Passport
  • Australian Driver's Licence
  • Overseas Driver's Licence
  • Australian Photo ID Card
  • National Identity Card
  • Evidence of Age Card
  • Photo ID Card

Successful profile validation requests are typically completed within 72 hours. If a request is rejected it may take longer to process. 

Rejected Requests

There are a few reasons why a profile validation request can be rejected:

  1. Multiple MyPass skills passports for the same person with different email addresses.  (Read more about our duplicate profile process.)
  2. The photo ID name or date of birth (DOB) don’t match the profile data.
  3. The Photo ID isn't a valid identification document.
  4. The Photo ID is blurred and can’t be read.
  5. The uploaded document is expired.
  6. The uploaded document number doesn’t match the document number entered in the profile.
  7. The document contains redacted information.

Who can request a profile validation?

Individual personnel can request a profile validation for themselves. See Get Your Profile Validated.

As an administrator, you can request a profile validation on a personnel’s behalf as part of an invitation process. See Request a Profile Validation for Your Personnel.



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