Inactive personnel are personnel that were previously in a resource pool but have been removed. To message workers via the MyPass platform or add them to projects, you need to re-add the personnel to a resource pool.
Open Personnel from the navigation panel and click All My Personnel
Click the filter to display options. Click Include Personnel Not In Pool. This will bring up all personnel that are not in any of your resource pools.
Note: All personnel that you previously removed from your pools have a lock symbol next to their name.
If the person has revoked access to connect with your MyPass account they will still have a lock symbol and you will have to re-invite the personnel. Hover over the symbol and you will see a different message.
Click on the personnel individually to reactivate them and select Assign to Resource Pool.
Select the resource pool that you want to assign them to. Click save
Once added to a resource pool the lock symbol will not appear next to their name.
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