Resend a Resource Pool Invitation

In the instance where your personnel have accidentally deleted or have not received the initial invitation emails, you can resend the invitation email.

Navigate to Invite Personnel on the left hand navigation bar.

Search for your Invitation batch name using the Search bar or sort your batches using Date Created or Sort by Name. 


Click on the name of the batch you want to revisit and select Invited


Resend individual invitations. 


Use the Search Personnel option available if required.


Select your personnel and click Resend Invite



Review and click OK to resend


Resend bulk invitations 


To choose all the personnel in the invited list, tick the orange box beside the Resend Invite.


Click Resend Invite



Review and click OK to resend


Note: in both cases you can include additional information when re-sending the invite. Type in your message in the Message box, click Invite.


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