Move Personnel Between your Pools

You can move your personnel from one pool to another. If you have personnel that are no longer relevant to the existing pool and have been assigned to another project, shutdown or role then you can move them to the appropriate resource pools to make your list of pools up to date. You can also assign personnel to multiple pools.

  1. From Personnel, click the dropdown of Resource Pools.
  2. Click All My Personnel. This gives you visibility of all your Personnel across all Resource Pools.

  3. Select the specific pool where your personnel are sitting and need to be moved to another pool. Let’s use Major Shut as an example.

  4. To use bulk actions, click each box next to the personnel name that need to be removed from that pool and assigned to another pool or multiple pools. Click More and select Assign Resource Pools.

    Alternatively, you can tick the select all box to select all personnel. 

    Note: If you select all, make sure to first load your personnel list since it will only select the ones that have been loaded. It normally loads by 10.

  5. Untick the box of the pool name (e.g. Major Shut) where the selected personnel need to be moved to another pool (e.g. Scaffolder). Click Save.

    Note: You can select or deselect one or more Resource Pools. Unchecking all pools will make the personnel inactive or completely removed from your pools.

  6. To remove personnel from a pool and assign to new pool/s individually:

    • Hover over the personnel name and click the ellipsis icon. Click Assign to Resource Pool.

    • Click the personnel name and in the lower right corner of the personnel’s profile, click Assign to Pools.

  7. Untick the box of the pool name where the selected personnel is to be removed, or tick the box of the pool name where your selected personnel is to be assigned. Click Save.


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