Supplier admins can directly confirm workers for roles in a resource request when the client doesn’t require approval.
1. The first step is to open MyPass and click Projects.
2. This is a resource request of the client. It is indicated by the lock icon beside the project name and the no fill project icon.
3. Click the resource request to open.
4. Click the role name and the number of Personnel requested by the client.
5. Click the filter icon to show all of the Personnel in the portal.
6. Click the checkbox beside ignore personnel classification to display all of the personnel regardless of their classifications.
7. To choose a Resource Pool, click All My Personnel dropdown.
All My Personnel will show all the personnel across the resource pools in the portal.
8. To show only the Personnel in a specific Resource Pool, click the pool name such as Onshore Personnel.
9. The list of personnel is displayed with the percentage match to the role requirements. Click the Percentage % box to view the complied and missing requirements.
10. This is the list of the Mandatory Requirements.
Green ✔ - Compliant
Red❌ - Missing
Red ✔ - Not Compliant for the project (it will expire during the project as per the client's matrix requirements).
11. Click the Personnel's name to open their profile on the side.
12. This is the Personnel's profile to view, update, and add certificates, tags, and other info. Click X to close.
13. Hover to the side of the Personnel to be accepted and confirmed to this project.
14. Click the ellipsis icon.
15. Click Confirm.
16. This is the Posting role details of the project. Update the details where necessary.
17. Click Next to proceed.
18. Click the message field and input an optional message to include in the notification email.
19. Click Notify or Don't Notify as preferred.
- Notify will send a notification email to the individual about the project role and update their calendar.
- Don't Notify will not send a notification email to the individual, but will update their calendar.
20. The selected Personnel is confirmed. Click Confirmed bucket to view.
21. Client will now have visibility over confirmed Personnel.
22. To undo the Personnel from confirmed, click the ellipsis icon.
23. Click Undo Confirmation. This will remove the client's visibility over the Personnel and un-fill the resource request.
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