View Engagement Experience by Role

As an admin, you can search by role and find all personnel who have previous experience with an asset owner or at a site. When you receive a Project Request and you need to fill the role quickly, you can use this filter to find people with experience who are likely to have current inductions and VOCs. You can also determine the percentage of confirmed personnel for a role who have experience with an asset owner or asset.


Identify workers who have previous experience in a role at the organisation

1. From Projects, select the project and role.


2. Click on the filter icon and select Show personnel with engagement experience to filter the search results.


3. Use the radio buttons to toggle the view between Asset Owner or Asset.


4. The search results will show all personnel with previous experience with the asset or asset owner. An icon will display next to the personnel's name as shown here: 


5. To see how many personnel have been confirmed to a role within this project: select the Confirmed category. Make sure the engagement experience filter is still selected.
You’ll see a list of confirmed personnel with engagement experience. The highlighted number shows the percentage of people in the bucket who meet the filter criteria.



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