Projects Overview

Use Projects to get a comprehensive view of the resourcing pipeline for each job role in a project. A project is a job, site, or resource that requires personnel to be recruited or mobilised.  View the requirements and current recruitment status of each project on the MyPass Dashboard landing page.

From the Projects home screen, you can open any project and review and manage the recruiting pipeline. Let's take a tour of the Projects home screen, and then drill into a single Project view.

Projects Home

Select Projects from the left navigation panel. From Projects, you get a high level view of the resourcing pipeline on each project. You can quickly see the aggregated requirements and the current recruitment status of all job roles for each project. 

  • Filter your list to see only Active, Archived, Draft or Past projects
  • Search by project name, asset, or tag
  • Sort the list by name or date
  • Add new projects by clicking the orange + sign in the lower right


The solid project icon indicates a project your business owns. 

The open project icon with a lock symbol indicates a project shared with you by a client or affiliate.

Filled: The percentage of personnel who have accepted the offer or in the Confirmed stage, 

out of the overall number of required personnel in all roles

Roles: The total number of roles posted in the project

Personnel: The total number of personnel required in all posted roles.

Applications: The total number of personnel who have applied (including those who have progressed to other stages)

Confirmed: The total number of personnel who have accepted the offer or have been manually confirmed. 

For more options, hover in the row of a project and click the ellipsis icon: 

Edit Project Details: change the project name, code, status, start date, end date, asset, or role tracking template associated with the project

Edit Recruitment Process: change the stages of your worker recruitment process

Tags: add or change project tags

Duplicate: Duplicating copies all the details of the project including engagement dates, asset, matrices and roles. 

Archive: deactivate a project, but keep its data

Delete: permanently delete a completed project. More about deleting projects

Export: Export three CSV reports:  

  1. Workers
  2. Role tracking
  3. Requirement

Download CVs: export any CVs that workers have uploaded

Project View

Click the project name to see all roles and resource requests on the project. The header shows the aggregated recruitment information across all roles.

Roles: Select a role, and then click a stage in the recruiting pipeline to view the personnel at that stage.

Resource Requests: View your resource requests here.


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