Edit a Skills Matrix

After you create a Skills Matrix, you can edit, delete, share, export, or duplicate it. Save time and effort by duplicating and modifying existing matrices. To edit or delete a matrix, you must be the owner or creator.  You can export skills matrices as separate recruitment and compliance matrices. 


1. Log in to MyPass and click Skills Matrices

2. Click the ellipsis icon next to the matrix name.

3. Click Edit to modify the name of the matrix, or the resource pools or assets that use the matrix.


Note: You must be the matrix owner to edit the matrix. 



4. Click Delete to delete your matrix. You can only delete a matrix you own, that has not been shared, and has no assigned compliance positions or roles. 



5. Click Share to share your matrix with your affiliate business partners.


6. The share symbol identifies your shared matrices. Hover over the share symbol to display the names of the affiliates you've shared your matrix with. (This doesn't include those that see your matrix requirements through a project). 



7. Any matrices that have been shared with you display a lock symbol next to the name. You can't edit a shared matrix, but you can duplicate it. 


8. Click Export to export your matrix as two separate matrices: a Recruitment Matrix and a Compliance Matrix


9. Click Duplicate to duplicate your matrix or one that is shared with you. You will be the owner of this new matrix and can amend it as required. 



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