Reset Your Password

Before you start, note that the MyPass portal is not compatible with Internet Explorer 11 (IE11). Please use a modern browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Opera.

1. Go to the Industry portal.

2. Input your company domain name in the field Domain Name and click Proceed. If you can’t remember your domain name, select Click here option at the bottom.

3. Click Forgotten password?

4. Enter your email address and click Next.

5. A confirmation code will be sent to your email address. Click Ok.

6. Get the confirmation code in your email without closing the forget password page. Input the correct Confirmation Code from your email in the field provided.

7. Enter a new password in the Password field, ensuring it has a minimum of eight characters, and contains at least one uppercase letter and one numeral.

8. Click Set Password.

9. You can now login to your account using your new password.


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