You can edit a Resource Request that has been created by someone in your organisation. You can edit the whole Resource Request or selected roles within that request.
Shared Resource Requests appear as Projects. If a Resource Request has been shared with your organisation you are unable to edit this request.
Where there is an outlined icon and lock symbol this project has been shared and cannot be edited or deleted.
To edit a Resource Request - Change the number of positions you are requesting for this supplier. Navigate to Projects.
Use the search option to select the Project that contains the Resource Request or Roles you want to edit.
Select your project and click on Requests. You can view your supplier details by hovering over the icon |
Select the role within that request. Click on the three ellipses. Select Edit to change the number of positions.
Update the quantity by using the arrows or type in the number. Click Next |
Note that your maximum quantity will be displayed. To update this amount Navigate to Roles. Update the quantity in the Project Role
The quantity on the Resource Request will be updated. |
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