Complete Role Requirements

You may have been assigned inductions or requirements for a role. Some are elearning courses. For others you need to upload documents, like certificates or licences. Click the requirement name to launch the training or upload a document.

The requirements appear on your MyPass Skills Passport. They show in the Dashboard when you log in.

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To complete mandatory requirements:

  1. Click Dashboard in the left panel.
  2. Click Pending role requirements.
  3. Click the requirement.
  4. Launch the eLearning course or upload the document.

Note: The mandatory role requirements are available only for roles where you are in an Applied, Offered, Proposed or Confirmed stage. 

To complete any desired (optional) courses for a role:

  1. Click Roles in the left navigation panel.
  2. Click each stage (Invited, Applied, Offered, Proposed) to find the role. 
  3. Click the role.
  4. Click each requirement to launch an eLearning course or upload a document.


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