Overview of reporting

The MyPass Dashboard provides an overview of the following standard reporting:

  • Personnel Compliance data
  • Upcoming expirations within 30 days and expired records
  • Number of personnel in your Client Resource Pools
  • Personnel profiles are found in the Personnel module

Note: Reports contain only the data you have permission to access.


1. Go to Personnel on the side bar.

2. Select the Resource Pool where you would like to download a report for your Personnel.


3. Select the Exports button and select a report to download from the dropdown list.



The following reports are available: 

    • Personnel Details
    • Personnel Notes
    • Personnel Certifications
    • Personnel Compliance

Tip: For Verisafe users that do not use skills matrices, the Certifications report is the recommended report.



4. You'll receive an email when the report is ready.




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